Tears of Joy - Available Summer 2024

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Hugh Macnab

Relieve Anxiety (for men) (Ebook)

Relieve Anxiety (for men) (Ebook)


Maybe treating anxiety isn't as complicated as you think.

During twenty years as a psychotherapist, I learned many things about how

best to help people suffering from anxiety.

We are all individuals with different personalities, strengths and weaknesses,

family, friends, and complex daily lives, so although there are some common

symptoms of anxiety, the way we experience them is personal. Any solution

must, therefore, also be personal. Here is the approach I developed.

First, people need to understand why they feel, think, and behave in the way

they do. This sounds simple, but experience tells me these are often never

explained properly. Second, no single form of therapy can provide the answer for

everyone. Third, some techniques clearly work better than others more of

the time, and finally, the order in which the techniques are used is

critically important.

This book will help you to understand your symptoms and the most likely root

cause. With that knowledge, you will already understand what you need to do

next, and the remainder of the book and the accompanying videos will help you with


You will have access to eight thirty-minute videos which will guide you through a

variety of techniques to help you reduce or eliminate your symptoms.

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